Friday, September 11, 2009

Thanks Lauren!!

For tagging me with this Kreativ Blogger thing. Very cool!! Part of this, 7 things about myself:

1) Despite repeated promises to myself that I will "never do another one", I signed up for another Ironman. And I'm actually excited about it.
2) The only pet I've ever owned was a rat.
3) I still remember the first time I was allowed to bake on my own, it was chocolate chip cookies and they didn't turn out well. Hey, I was in middle school.
4) My favorite movie is Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang.
5) Sometimes, when our neighbors are being loud or I am fed up with city traffic and crowds, I want to give up and move away. Far far away.
6) But I like my friends and family here too much to do that right now
7) I am very lucky to have married Dan

And, as for 7 people to pass this on to, I will pass on that. Still new to the blog world and I don't think I even have 7 blogger friends who would read this and post themselves. If you are reading this, consider yourself tagged.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

You definitely deserve it =D! I think the first thing I made on my own was chocolate chip cookies as well!